How to choose which page or group Missinglettr should send your campaign to

Adding new social profiles to your Missinglettr account is easy. Go here to get started.

For social networks such as Twitter, authenticating the account is all that is needed. However, when adding your accounts from networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, it's quite possible that you will have multiple pages, groups, and company pages linked to that one account.

In these cases, you need to tell Missinglettr which page or group you would like your campaign content sent to. Quite often, by default we will simply send to your personal feed, so it's important that you make sure you have selected the right one.

Choosing your preferred page or group

Once you have added a Social Profile, you will see it listed as follows:

Notice how the Twitter account (the one shown on the top left) simply confirms the name of the Twitter account that content will be sent to. In the case of the LinkedIn account, you'll notice that as well as confirming where content will be sent, we also show a 'Change Profile' button so that you can change the destination if it is wrong.

To change the destination, simply press the 'Settings' button next to the social profile you want to update. Doing this will reveal a popup containing all pages and groups linked to that account (and typically, that you are either the owner or an admin of).

Simply select the page or group that you want Missinglettr to send your campaign content to. Your selection will be saved automatically.

And that's it. We'll now send all campaign content to that page or group.

Further Reading

What Should Businesses Post on Each Social Media Platform?

How did we do?

General Settings

Image guidelines for campaigns
