Content from my blog posts aren't being extracted

MissingLettr Team Updated by MissingLettr Team

If you're seeing the "No Content Found" or "Communication Error" message on one or more of your campaigns, then there is a chance that your website is blocking Missinglettr from reading content from it.

If you believe this is the case, then you may need to Whitelist our server IP addresses. To do this you will need to locate the Wordpress plugin, service or tool installed on your site that is doing the blocking.

How do I find my plugin?

There are numerous plugins, tools and services designed to stop external services from scraping websites. However common ones include Incapsula and Wordfence. If you use any of these services and wish to use Missinglettr, you will need to whitelist our server's IP address to grant us access.

Here are some common plugins that we've often seen causing issues:

What do I need to do once i've located the plugin responsible?

Since every website is setup differently, it's not possible to create an exact guide as the approach will vary depending on the plugin you are using. However, typically in all cases you will want to search for an area that allows you to Whitelist IP addresses (basically telling the plugin that if they detect these IP addresses extracting content from your site, that they should be allowed to do so).

The IP addresses you need to whitelist are:


The Missinglettr Bot

In some cases, you may also need to whitelist our Crawler Bot. Our Bot uses the following User Agent string:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MissinglettrBot/2.0; +

You can read more about the MissinglettrBot that is responsible for crawling your site, at

How did we do?

Connecting your RSS feed to Missinglettr

How Google Analytics treats our shortened URLs
